• Online Shopping

    The Cost of Building a WooCommerce Site: A Detailed Breakdown of the Fundamental Costs and More

    Setting up a WooCommerce site may not be as difficult as your peers will have you believe. In fact, every e-commerce site owner needs to consider opting for WooCommerce at least once before kick-starting their online business. While, the basics like finding a reliable hosting company is the same for all e-commerce sites, there are a few differences that make setting up WooCommerce a lot easier and cheaper.

  • eCommerce
    Business Tools

    7 Shopify Integrations Will Help Your Business Run Much Smoother

    Running an ecommerce business is difficult as it is. Marketing the product, managing inventory, and keeping customers happy is nothing short of a juggling act. Platforms like Shopify provide the foundation for running a smooth ship, but it’s not always enough. Ecommerce business owners keen on creating a more automated and efficient business flow need solutions that have no issues integrating with ecommerce. After all, Shopify integrations can easily become the saving grace you’re looking for. The power of Shopify is already evident: major businesses like Budweiser and Tesla use the platform to inform and sell. Think of Shopify integration like an additional boost to your already existing online store.…

  • Software

    What to do when your WordPress update failed [Tutorial]

    Yesterday when I was updating one of my WordPress blogs the automatic update failed and was stuck in maintenance mode. What to do when this happens? First of all, don’t panic! Your blog is not lost for ever, or anything like that. Even if you haven’t backed up your blog’s files and its database (like recommended by WordPress), it is still possible to fix the update fail issue in a few easy steps. Of course if you had backed up your files and database then you could simply restore them and try an automatic update again. In fact some web hosts will regularly backup everything for you. They also have…