• iPhone Music

    What to Know About New Voice Assistant Technology

    The popularity of digital voice assistants is growing rapidly. While the initial focus of this sector was on smartphone devices, voice recognition technology is beginning to reach other areas - like the automobile and the workplace - with a gathering strength. But the most exciting arena for voice-activated software agents lies in the home.

  • Gadget

    Top Effective Tips for iPhone 4 Use

    Now you have bought the iPhone 4 and you are looking for the best tips and tricks, to save the phone functionality, and use it to its maximum potential. Yes, the manual does now provide the hidden information on how to use the phone with shortcuts. Either you have to find them out by yourself or the easy way is that you can search for the tips and tricks on how to use the new iPhone 4 and 4S with ease. You have come to the right spot here. I will guide you on how to use the iPhone 4 with cool tips and tricks so that you will be…