• White And Blue Robot
    Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

    Exploring the Latest Advances in Robotics

    The field of robotics has undergone significant advances in recent years, with new technologies and innovations making it possible to create robots that are more advanced, versatile, and capable than ever before. From industrial robots that can perform complex tasks with incredible precision to social robots that can interact with humans in natural and intuitive ways, robotics is transforming the way we live and work. In this blog, we will explore some of the latest advances in robotics and the impact they are having on society.

  • PHP Build Websites

    Is PHP Still Relevant to Build Websites in 2023?

    PHP remains relevant in 2023 for web development. With performance improvements, integration with other technologies, modern development practices, security focus, AI/ML integration, serverless architecture, growth of frameworks, microservices, DevOps adoption, and integration with emerging web technologies, PHP offers a fruitful future for web applications.

  • Car Engine

    The Basics of Nitrous Oxide for Motorists

    The need for speed is a compulsion and an addiction that drives people to constantly look for new ways to boost the power of their car engines. The discovery that nitrous oxide (N2O) can increase the power of automobile engines thus came as a revelation. It is believed that nitrous oxide was first used to enhance vehicle engine functionality and performance during the Second World War. Engineers injected this substance into Allied fighter aircraft engines to give them emergency boosts in speed, especially when these planes flew in oxygen-depleted high-altitude zones. NASCAR driver Smokey Yunick was one of the first persons to use nitrous oxide in a car. He achieved…

  • Excavation Machinery

    5 Types of Excavator Attachments Used in the Construction Industry

    An excavator is a machine often used in the construction industry and heavy work sites. It can handle a number of tasks ranging from drilling through hard surfaces to carrying heavy loads. It is equipped with sturdy wheels and track chains for improved mobility on various surfaces. Its different tools and attachments allow operators to complete work in a efficient and timely manner. Machines that were traditionally designed for a single task are now compatible with multiple excavation attachments. Here is a list of some most important excavation attachments that you should have. 1. Augurs An auger is a type of excavator attachment used for drilling holes. It is a…

  • Laptop Error

    Ten Most Common Computer Problems and Their Solutions

    When experiencing computer issues, you don't have to get professional help right away. The solution could be simple enough for you to fix it by yourself. Below are the ten most common computer problems I've encountered as well as their solutions. Try them and you'll not only potentially save some money, buy you may also learn something new and expand your technical skills.

  • Computer Hardware

    Tips on Building Your Own PC

    Building a gaming PC can be fun. It can often be cheaper than buying a prebuilt computer. A decent gaming rig that you’ve built on your own is also a bragging right, a milestone reward, a source for a sense of pride and accomplishment. Besides, most people will only cherish what they’ve built themselves. A computer is just like a baby. If someone else built it, you may not love it as much as if it were made by your own hands. Furthermore, some consider building PCs to be the “proving ground” separating the kids from the adults. If you want to try your hand at building your own PC…

  • Computer Parts Repair

    Building a Computer vs Buying One… Which Way to Go?

    A few decades ago, computers were seen as the most sophisticated things existing, to most of us who are not tech savvy. However, in the modern day, most people own or use a computer, and this has helped many to understand their computers better. Unfortunately, this understanding is mostly limited to the operations of the computer as most people can’t be able to identify anything once their machine is opened. This lack of knowledge of the inner part of a computer has made building one seem like a massive task that most would shy away from. Not everyone is afraid of tackling the challenge of building a computer, and it…

  • Old Cell Phone

    How & Why Should We Recycle Our Old Mobile Phones

    There are over six billion mobile phones in the world today. Over 30 million new mobile phones are bought in the UK annually. However, the average lifespan of a cell phone is slightly over 18 months. This means that people purchase new mobile phones at least once every two years. The big question is; “what happens to the millions of cellphones that are disconnected each year?” Some of the mobile phones are sent to other continents such as Africa for reselling; others are donated to charities while a huge chunk of them are recycled. Companies such as Sell My Mobile buy old mobile phones such as Samsung, iPhone 6, and…

  • Blockchain

    The Blockchain and The Byzantine Generals Problem

    Twenty years ago, nobody would have predicted the impact that a popularized global information network would have on society–and even though the internet has only been around for a little over two decades, we still have yet to max out its potential, with wearables, connected home devices, and other Internet of Things (IoT) components just recently becoming popular. Nevertheless our dependence on the worldwide web is easily demonstrated. For example, in 2014, it was calculated that $1.2 million dollars worth of business was done every 30 seconds online, and Pew Research released a report showing that only about 13 percent of Americans don’t use the internet. You would think that…

  • Cloud Computing

    10 Things to Consider While Choosing the Cloud Server

    Today, cloud computing and AWS has become one of the most talked-about topics within the field of information technology. There are several IT giants like Amazon, Microsoft and Google who are presenting some wonderful examples of this latest form of computing technology. A substantial part of credit for this ever expanding field of the cloud hosting services certainly goes to these IT giants. Cloud computing has made it easier for businesses to outsource their infrastructure. AWS is a great option to allow businesses to increase their effectiveness and focus on their core business. It is a secure, affordable and reliable platform that makes cloud computing accessible to businesses which would never…