• Online Shopping Cart

    What is Penetration Testing and How Does it Help Ecommerce Sites?

    In this day and age, pretty much every self-respecting business will have at least a minimal online shopping service. As traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ stores are gradually being shunned in favour of buying goods online, retailers large and small should consider taking every precaution to protect themselves and their customers. Much like they would with a physical store, basically.

  • Headphones Woman

    Music Lovers Guide to Choosing the Best Headphones

    Narrowing down your choices before you start shopping for headphones will make it easier for you to find the best pair for your musical needs. Music lovers need to be aware of the headphones that are designed to produce quality sound and enhance the overall listening experience. Enjoy your playlist with a device that can make it sound better. Whether you want to listen to music while at work or during a rigorous workout session, there are headphones to suit every need and style. In-Ear Headphones In-ear or ear bud headphones are among the well-known types of headphones that virtually everyone has owned. Their popularity is attributed to their affordability…

  • Security Lock

    How the Culture of Collaboration Increases Security Risks

    Nearly three-quarters of employers say collaboration is very important to their business, according to research from Queens University of Charlotte. Collaborative workplaces benefit from the diverse skills of numerous employees who enjoy greater opportunities for learning from one another. However, despite the many benefits of the culture of collaboration, this increased teamwork carries greater security risks.

  • iPhone Music

    What to Know About New Voice Assistant Technology

    The popularity of digital voice assistants is growing rapidly. While the initial focus of this sector was on smartphone devices, voice recognition technology is beginning to reach other areas - like the automobile and the workplace - with a gathering strength. But the most exciting arena for voice-activated software agents lies in the home.

  • Business Innovation

    How Business Intelligence and Automation is Taking Over Marketing

    Since the internet made its transitions into the average household in the 90’s there has been an explosion of websites. Billions and billions of sites clutter the World Wide Web and amongst all this chaos are the millions upon millions of online stores. The noise coming from all retailers competing for attention has become deafening to most, hence the overwhelming popularity of software additions like ad blockers. If you are one of the many businesses competing in the online sphere, you have to start getting creative and playing smarter if you want any reasonable share of the online market. Technology is allowing companies, with the foresight to utilize it, to…

  • Drone Flying Photo by Christopher Michel. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Drones: Meet the Hardworking Robots of the Sky

    Whether it’s lighting up the night sky above the Houston NRG stadium at this year’s Super Bowl or shooting rare video with a bird’s eye perspective, drones seem to be everywhere now. Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones as they are more commonly referred to, were also one of the most coveted gifts this past holiday season. While the recreational possibilities offered by this technology are often talked about, drones are also hard working machines that have helped make a number of industries, like the oil and gas industry and security industry, more efficient and safe. One way drones are making it safer for people to do their jobs is in…

  • Blockchain

    The Blockchain and The Byzantine Generals Problem

    Twenty years ago, nobody would have predicted the impact that a popularized global information network would have on society–and even though the internet has only been around for a little over two decades, we still have yet to max out its potential, with wearables, connected home devices, and other Internet of Things (IoT) components just recently becoming popular. Nevertheless our dependence on the worldwide web is easily demonstrated. For example, in 2014, it was calculated that $1.2 million dollars worth of business was done every 30 seconds online, and Pew Research released a report showing that only about 13 percent of Americans don’t use the internet. You would think that…

  • Instagram Phone

    Is Instagram the Future of Social Media?

    Instagram, which initially started as a social platform for sharing your best photos, has turned into one of the most popular social media websites. Till today, more than 40 billion photos have been shared by a 400 million active Instagram users. While it might have sounded unbelievable even a year back, but Instagram actually has got a much more number of active users as compared to not just Twitter but Facebook as well.

  • Cloud Computing

    10 Things to Consider While Choosing the Cloud Server

    Today, cloud computing and AWS has become one of the most talked-about topics within the field of information technology. There are several IT giants like Amazon, Microsoft and Google who are presenting some wonderful examples of this latest form of computing technology. A substantial part of credit for this ever expanding field of the cloud hosting services certainly goes to these IT giants. Cloud computing has made it easier for businesses to outsource their infrastructure. AWS is a great option to allow businesses to increase their effectiveness and focus on their core business. It is a secure, affordable and reliable platform that makes cloud computing accessible to businesses which would never…